New in Infinity – June 2020

Over the past two months, we’ve been helping our clients move to new ways of selling, expand their channels and minimise the impact of COVID-19 on their businesses. Thanks to our clients for the amazing collaboration over this time.

Here’s what’s new in Infinity so you can do more to improve the experience you offer your customers.

Infinity is a modular platform and you may need additional components or licencing to access some functionality.



Optimise fulfilment sources in conjunction with endless aisle

If you offer customers ‘endless aisle’, they can see and purchase any item in your inventory and choose how that item is fulfilled. The Infinity Catalogue API automates the selection of the fulfilment source. 

For example, if a customer wants to buy three items, the API determines the fulfilment options that are available for those goods – whether that’s in-store, click-and-collect, ship-from-store or any other methods you offer. Staff can see these options on the POS and customers can see them on your website. 

When the customer makes their selection, the API can receive the longitude and latitude of the delivery location, apply optimisation logic and pre-set rules, and then determine the best location(s) to fulfil the order from for the lowest cost or fastest speed. 

Having the API make the decision for the website or store staff saves time, reduces manual error, eliminates the need to perform this function within the eCommerce site, and gets the fulfilment process started for the customer even faster.

New templates let you create loyalty offers more easily

The new Loyalty Offer Templates API lets you pre-define sets of promotional offers that can be reused for multiple campaigns and lists of customers. It’s a faster way for external marketing automation systems to create multiple offers because they can now use one request to add an offer for multiple customers, instead of adding one customer request per offer. 

For example, as a fuel retailer, you can create a template to offer a 10 cent per litre discount and a free drink to all customers who sign up to your loyalty program in July – all in a single API call. Or an apparel or homeware retailer could offer their top tier loyalty members a 20% discount off three specific products during July. 

Now you can be more targeted with the fuel discounts you offer

There are new cumulative and exclusive rule types in the Loyalty Fuel CPL Discounts API. If you set an ‘exclusive’ rule type, it will be executed instead of any other cents per litre rules that are in place. A ‘cumulative’ rule type means that a customer will get a discount on top of the standard or promotional discount. 

For example, if you want to give additional discounts to a group of high value customers, you can offer 10 CPL instead of their standard 6 CPL. Or you can add 10 CPL to the 6 CPL and see which has better uptake. 

These rules can help you test offers, surprise and delight customers with additional discounts, and see if you can keep customers who might churn from buying their fuel elsewhere.



Now you can track why you didn’t win a quote

A new ‘lost quote reason’ type has been added so you can track and examine why you might have lost quotes to competitors or for other reasons.



Receipt screen enhancements give you more flexibility to see what you want

We’ve improved the receipt screen so you can now order results by supplier product code when you receipt purchase orders that are matched to invoices and stock transfers. You can also highlight completed lines when receipting purchase orders.

You can now configure the stocktake report to include or leave out child items

This new feature means you can include all child items, only child items that are counted, or no child items – giving you better control over your stocktake report details. For example, if you purchase boxes of wine, you can choose to include details of bottles sold individually in the stocktake report, or just the boxes in which they were purchased.



Now it’s quicker to reprint receipts

POS operators can now select multiple receipts and print them all. They can search back through transactions by date, customer name or POS station. So if you want to reprint one customer’s receipts for a month, it’s now easy to do.

For fuel retailers:  Customers can now see how much they’re saving when they pay

If you have a pole display at checkout, customers will be able to see how much their fuel discount is saving them because transactions can now be configured to show the amount saved as well as the amount to pay. 



Infinity ETL now supports kitset data

If you sell kitsets – one item that’s made up of other items – you can now maintain those kitset products in Excel and then import and export that data into Infinity via ETL.



New multiple transaction report can help prevent fraud

A new Fuel CPL Multiple Transaction Report can help you identify potentially fraudulent loyalty transactions. By being able to see a transaction count by loyalty card, you can spot cards that have unusually high usage. A use case could be if a staff member adds their loyalty card number to customer transactions in an attempt to gain more loyalty points for themselves. 



Passwords can now be reset at back office and head office

Now store managers as well as head office staff can reset passwords for themselves and store staff. It’s a time-saving feature that helps everyone work more efficiently.

Add your company logo to Infinity POS

Now you can add your logo to your Infinity POS login and lock screens. Just place your images into the InfinityPOS folder named as logo_login.jpg/bmp and logo_lock.jpg/bmp.

To find out more about any of these new enhancements and add them to your Infinity platform, contact us.